We are the Intelligent System (IntelliSys) Lab at the ECE Department of Stevens Institute of Technology. Our research bridges artificial intelligence (AI) and novel system architectures by designing efficient and robust AI algorithms and developing intelligent and high-performance computing systems. Check our roadmap.
12/09/2024 | Our paper “WHALE-FL: Wireless and Heterogeneity Aware Latency Efficient Federated Learning over Mobile Devices via Adaptive Subnetwork Scheduling” has been accepted by AAAI 2025! |
11/21/2024 | Our paper “Stellaris: Staleness-Aware Distributed Reinforcement Learning with Serverless Computing” has received the ACM/IEEE SC’24 Best Student Paper Finalist! |
11/20/2024 | Our paper “Pre-Warming is Not Enough: Accelerating Serverless Inference with Opportunistic Pre-Loading” has won the ACM SoCC’24 Best Paper Award! |
10/26/2024 | Please check all the cool labs and researchers at iCNS and ECE @ Stevens [YouTube]! |
10/07/2024 | Dr. Wang gives a talk on Large-scale Distributed DRL with Serverless Computing at Politecnico di Torino in Turin, Italy, hosted by Prof. Carla Fabiana Chiasserini. |
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