News & History

03/12/2025 :trophy: Hanfei has been selected as one of the 2025 ML and Systems Rising Stars by ML Commons. Congratulations to Hanfei!
02/07/2025 :trophy: Dr. Zining Zhu and Dr. Wang have received a Seed Grant Award from the Stevens Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) for their project “An LLM-enhanced Framework for Targeted Practices.”
01/17/2025 :airplane: Ricky Wei will give a Lightening Talk about his Serverless MARL project at the NAIRR Pilot Inaugural Annual Meeting.
01/16/2025 :golf: Dr. Wang will co-chair the ACM SIGMETRICS 2025 Workshop: AI Crossroads: Systems, Energy, and Applications.
01/08/2025 :trophy: Received a subaward from the NIH AIM-AHEAD project “Ethics and Equity in Healthcare AI Application: Bias Assessment in ML Models for Opioid Prescribing.” Kudos to NIH AIM-AHEAD and the PI Dr. Sherry Wang! Check our ongoing work here!
12/09/2024 :pencil: Our paper “WHALE-FL: Wireless and Heterogeneity Aware Latency Efficient Federated Learning over Mobile Devices via Adaptive Subnetwork Scheduling” has been accepted by AAAI 2025!
11/21/2024 :trophy: Our paper Stellaris: Staleness-Aware Distributed Reinforcement Learning with Serverless Computing has received the ACM/IEEE SC’24 Best Student Paper Finalist!
11/20/2024 :trophy: Our paper Pre-Warming is Not Enough: Accelerating Serverless Inference with Opportunistic Pre-Loading has won the ACM SoCC’24 Best Paper Award!
10/26/2024 :video_camera: Please check all the cool labs and researchers at iCNS and ECE @ Stevens [YouTube]!
10/07/2024 :calendar: Dr. Wang gives a talk on Large-scale Distributed DRL with Serverless Computing at Politecnico di Torino in Turin, Italy, hosted by Prof. Carla Fabiana Chiasserini.
10/02/2024 :trophy: Our project “Distributed Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning with Serverless Computing” (NAIRR240269) has been funded by the NAIRR Pilot program!
09/26/2024 :pencil: Our paper Pre-Warming is Not Enough: Accelerating Serverless Inference with Opportunistic Pre-Loading has been accepted by ACM SoCC 2024. Congratulations to our intern Yifan!
08/29/2024 :pencil: Our paper “Freyr+: Harvesting Idle Resources in Serverless Computing via Deep Reinforcement Learning” has finally been accepted by IEEE TPDS. Our sincere appreciation to our reviewers and editors!
08/19/2024 :trophy: Our project “SaTC: CORE: Small: Advancing Model Forensics with Systematic Parsing, Injection Detection, and Model Provenance Attribution” have received the NSF SaTC CORE grant. Thanks NSF and my collaborator Dr. Ibrahim (Abe) Baggili!
08/15/2024 :pencil: Our paper “Nitro: Boosting Distributed Reinforcement Learning with Serverless Computing” has been accepted by VLDB 2025! This is the last piece of our trilogy on Serverless Computing for Distributed Reinforcement Learning.
08/08/2024 :city_sunrise: We have moved to Stevens Institute of Technology. Thanks LSU. Hello Hoboken!
08/01/2024 :trophy: Our project “Towards the Resilient NextG Network Design for Federated Learning over Mobile Devices” have received the NSF CISE MSI grant. Thanks NSF!
07/16/2024 :trophy: Our project “Enhancing Energy Awareness for Efficient Federated Learning over Mobile AI Systems” have received the NSF CSR Medium grant. Thanks NSF!
07/15/2024 :pencil: Our paper ``Federated Morozov Regularization for Shortcut Learning in Privacy Preserving Learning with Watermarked Image Data’’ has been accepted by ACM MM 2024!
07/10/2024 :calendar: Dr. Wang will give a talk on Distributed DRL with Serverless Computing at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center on July 16.
07/05/2024 :outbox_tray: Please consider submitting your paper to ``Frontiers in Computer Science Software’’ on topics of Serverless Computing for Stateful Applications!
07/01/2024 :pencil: Our paper ``SkyMask: Attack-agnostic Robust Federated Learning with Fine-grained Learnable Masks’’ has been accepted by ECCV 2024!
06/26/2024 :pencil: Our paper ``Enhancing Model Poisoning Attacks to Byzantine-Robust Federated Learning via Critical Learning Periods’’ has been accepted by RAID 2024! This is our 4th paper under the topic Critical Learning Periods.
06/14/2024 :pencil: Our paper on serverless RL systems has been accepted by SC 2024 and nominated for the Best Student Paper award! Congratulations to Hanfei. More serverless for AI, please stay tuned :radio:
05/24/2024 :calendar: Our TigerAI: LSU/IBM AI security summer boot camp has successfully completed. Check our exciting and fun moments!
05/19/2024 :airplane: Dr. Wang will give a talk about Critical Learning Periods in Federated Learning at the Smoky Mountain Workshop on Early Developmental Intelligence and Embodied Intelligence (EI2) (May 30–June 1).
05/17/2024 :pencil: Our paper “FedRoLA: Robust Federated Learning Against Model Poisoning via Layer-based Aggregation” has been accepted by KDD 2024—our another work on fine-grained FL attack & defense.
05/06/2024 :airplane: Dr. Wang visited Technical University of Munich (TUM) and gave a talk about personalized Federated Learning (pFL).
04/16/2024 :trophy: Our project “Harvesting Idle Resources Safely and Timely for Large-scale AI Applications in High-Performance Computing Systems” have been funded by the NSF OAC Core grant. Thanks NSF!
04/16/2024 :trophy: Our project “AI Deployment for Athletes, industry, and Military Optimal Performance and Safety” have received the LSU Provost’s Fund for Innovation in Research—Big Idea Research Grants!
04/02/2024 :calendar: We will host TigerAI: LSU/IBM AI security summer boot camp. Sign up before 4/19th 5pm!
03/14/2024 :trophy: We have received another round of AWS Public Sector Cloud Credit for Research program. Kudos to AWS!
02/02/2024 :tada: Dr. Wang received the Distinguished Member of IEEE INFOCOM 2024 TPC recognition.
02/01/2024 :school_satchel: Hanfei has accepted the summer internship from Azure Research @ Microsoft.
01/16/2024 :pencil: Our paper “Backdoor Federated Learning by Poisoning Backdoor-Critical Layers” has been accepted by ICLR 2024. Congratulations to our two remote interns Haomin and Mingxian! Check this project here.
01/10/2024 :pencil: Our paper “Siren+: Robust Federated Learning with Proactive Alarming and Differential Privacy” has been accepted by IEEE TDSC.
12/15/2023 :tada: William Wei, our summer highschool intern, has been admitted by Yale ! Congratulations to William. Check his fantastic summer project.
12/09/2023 :pencil: Our paper “Cheaper and Faster: Distributed Deep Reinforcement Learning with Serverless Computing” has been accepted by AAAI 2024! Congratulations to Hanfei. We are bringing more serverless to AI, please stay tuned :radio:
12/08/2023 :speech_balloon: Dr. Wang will serve as a TPC member of ACM HPDC 2024 and IEEE ICDCS 2024.
11/06/2023 :trophy: Our Federated Analytics System project has been funded by the NSF EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement (RII) Track-4: EPSCoR Research Fellows program. This funding will support us to start a two-year collaborative project with IBM Research. Thanks NSF EPSCoR! —Check news by Baton Rouge Business Report and LSU CoE.
10/27/2023 :pencil: Our paper “Self-supervised Crack Detection in X-ray Computed Tomography Data of Additive Manufacturing Parts” has been accepted by NeurIPS 2023 Workshop AI4Mat! Congratulations to Saber Nemati and Seyedeh Shaghayegh Rabbanian!
09/12/2023 :pencil: Our paper “RainbowCake: Mitigating Cold-starts in Serverless with Layer-wise Container Caching and Sharing” has been accepted by ACM ASPLOS 2024! Congratulations to Hanfei, and kudos to our collaborators!
08/21/2023 :trophy: Our Robust Federated Learning project has been funded by the NSF SaTC CORE program. Thanks NSF! —LSU CoE news.
08/14/2023 :trophy: We received the LAMDA Seed Track 1B Collaborative Partnership Award. Thanks Louisiana Board of Regents!
08/12/2023 :trophy: Our summer intern, William Wei, from Baton Rouge High, won 2nd place in the LSU HSSR Poster Competition. Check our award-winning project!
05/30/2023 :triangular_ruler: Join our summer tutorial series on Machine Learning: Applications and Practices, and Introduction to Meteorology!
05/16/2023 :pencil: Two papers on Federated Learning are accepted by ACM KDD 2023.
04/18/2023 :pencil: Our paper “Libra: Harvesting Idle Resources Safely and Timely in Serverless Clusters” has been accepted by HPDC 2023!
03/22/2023 :pencil: One paper on Data Privacy Examination is accepted by AsisCCS 2023.
02/28/2023 :trophy: Alexander Randall from KST Charter School, advised by Dr. Wang, won 2nd place in the Louisiana Regional Competition. Check our award-winning project!
02/06/2023 :earth_asia: Dr. Wang will serve as the Publicity Chair of the 23rd International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2023).
12/09/2022 :trophy: Dr. Wang was awarded as an Excellent Reviewer for the IEEE Transactions on Network Science & Engineering in 2022.
11/19/2022 :pencil: Two papers on Federated Learning are accepted by AAAI 2023.
11/04/2022 :speech_balloon: Dr. Wang will serve as the online session Chair for ACM SoCC 2022 Serverless Session, Nov 8-10, 2022.
08/25/2022 :speech_balloon: Dr. Wang will serve as a TPC member for AAAI 2023 and ACM WSDM 2023.
07/12/2022 :trophy: Our proposal for AWS Cloud Credit for Research on serverless computing has been approved. Our thanks to AWS.
05/16/2022 :speech_balloon: Dr. Wang will serve as a TPC member for ACM SoCC 2022.
04/22/2022 :speech_balloon: Dr. Wang is invited to serve as a TPC member for IEEE INFOCOM 2023 and will serve as a session chair in INFOCOM 2022.
04/02/2022 :speech_balloon: Dr. Wang is invited to serve as a TPC member on NeurIPS 2022 and ECML PKDD 2022.
03/28/2022 :mortar_board: Mr. Xagen Mclaughlin (6-th grade student at Kenilworth Science and Technology), advised by Dr. Wang, won the 3rd place in Louisiana State Science & Engineering Fair with his project on playing FlappyBird with AI.
02/18/2022 :trophy: Dr. Wang received the CRII Award from National Science Foundation. Kudos to NSF!
02/04/2022 :trophy: We received the Faculty Research Grants—Big Idea Research Planning Grants from the LSU ORED Office on AI-Enabled Resilient Agriculture Management Systems.
01/31/2022 :speech_balloon: Dr. Wang is invited to serve on a 2022 National Science Foundation (NSF) panel.
01/13/2022 :pencil: Our work “Accelerating Serverless Computing by Harvesting Idle Resources” has been accepted by ACM WebConf 2022. Congratulations to Hanfei!
12/22/2021 :trophy: Dr. Wang received the Single Investigator Award from the Louisiana Materials Design Alliance (LAMDA) Seed Funding 2021-22 for “Optimizing Addictive Manufacturing with Deep Reinforcement Learning.” Thanks to NSF and BoR!
12/01/2021 Two papers are accepted by AAAI 2022.
11/29/2021 Mr. Roshan Koirala has passed his Master’s degree defense. Congratulations!
11/12/2021 Dr. Wang will serve as a PC member of the 42nd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS).
10/18/2021 Dr. Wang will serve as a PC member of the 31st ACM The Web Conference 2022 (TheWebConf).
08/27/2021 Our work “Siren: Byzantine-robust Federated Learning via Proactive Alarming” has been accepted by SoCC 2021.
07/22/2021 Our work “Self-Supervised Vessel Segmentation via Adversarial Learning” has been accepted by ICCV 2021.
07/06/2021 “FaaSRank: Learning to Schedule Functions in Serverless Platforms” has been accepted by IEEE ACSOS 2021, congratulations to Hanfei!
06/05/2021 Our work “SpaceDML: Enabling Distributed Machine Learning in Space Information Networks” has been accepted by IEEE Network.
04/29/2021 Our work “Themis: A Fair Evaluation Platform for Computer Vision Competitions” has been accepted by IJCAI-21.
01/15/2021 Dr. Hao Wang started working as an Assistant Professor at Louisiana State University.